5 Must-Do Items for a Malta, Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

5 Must-Do Items for a Malta, Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

A record-setting number of tourists visited Malta in 2023, exceeding the previous high by 8%.

If you own an investment property in Msidia, you've got a golden opportunity on your hands. You can take advantage of the growing tourism industry by renting out your property as a vacation rental.

Many first-time vacation rental owners think earning this passive income is a breeze. That's not necessarily true, however. There are rental preparation steps to providing your guests with the optimal experience.

Today, we'll help you do that by giving you a vacation rental cleaning checklist. Keep reading and you'll know how to prepare a guest-ready rental every time.

1. Focus On High Traffic Areas

Rooms that tend to get the most use, and therefore end up being the dirtiest are the bathrooms and kitchen. If you neglect a thorough cleaning process in these areas, your guests will quickly notice.

In cleaning the kitchen, focus on deep-cleaning surfaces, and wiping down the inside of the refrigerator and stovetop. When it comes to the bathroom, scrub the toilet and shower, paying close attention to grime and mildew in these areas.

2. Freshen Up the Sleep Area

Bedrooms are also incredibly important to keep clean. Your guest beds should be clean and neatly made. When doing laundry, always do a load that is just bedding, making sure to replace any sheets or pillowcases with stains on them.

Provide extra bedding for longer guest stays. You can leave a note in the check-in instructions on how to use the laundry machines so your guests can do their laundry as well.

3. Get Into Nooks and Crannies

It's always tempting to simply give the rental a quick once-over when guests check out. It's important to get into the nooks and crannies as part of your cleaning routine so filth doesn't build up to the point of being noticeable.

Vacuum behind and underneath furniture, dust windowsills, and mop the floors. If you do it each time, the process won't take long.

4. Inspect Your Appliances

While you're cleaning your appliances - dishwasher, coffee machine, oven, washer/dryer, etc. - check to see that they're functioning properly. If you notice any issues, contact a technician to come and repair them before you welcome new guests.

Your appliances are considered amenities in your vacation rental. If you put them in your property listing, your guests will expect them to be there after booking.

5. Don't Neglect the Outdoors

If you've got an outdoor area included in your vacation rental, you can't neglect its upkeep. For example, if you're offering a pool or hot tub, you must give it as much attention as anything inside the home. The same goes for all other outdoor amenities, from the grill to the fire pit.

Take a Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist with You

This short vacation rental cleaning checklist can help you do your due diligence for each new guest, but it's only a property maintenance guide. It's up to you to put in the work, which can be daunting.

If you're finding the upkeep at your Malta vacation rental to be too much work, hiring a property manager is the answer. At PMI Malta, we can help you with rental maintenance and cleaning, as well as a variety of other important vacation rental tasks. Contact us today to learn more.
